The Testament Dative and Inventory of William Stewart in Glack of Shierglas, 1765

William Stewart - The Testament dative and Inventory of the goods, gear, debts and sums of money which pertained, belonged and was resting to the umquhile (deceased) William Stewart, late in Glack in Shierglas (at) the time of his decease, arising from the communion betwixt him and Isobel Stewart, now his relict, in abstracting from, and exclusive of her share, who died in the month of December last. Truly made and given up by Donald Stewart, tenant in Moness, and Barbara Stewart, spouse to James Menzies in Kincraigie, and him for his interest, nephew and niece to the said defunct, and conjunct executor dative qua nearest of kin decerned to him by the Commissary of Dunkeld the day and date these presents as the decreet dative following on an edict duly executed and endorsed itself more fully bears.

Imprimis (Firstly) there is given up, pertaining to the said umquhile William Stewart (at) the time foresaid of his decease and as his half a share, the last an equal half of the whole household and insight plenishings, also the brewlooms including a copper and stillpot with their appartenances, and likewise of the outside plenishing and other utensils, moveable goods, gear and effects which pertained to and were in common betwixt the said spouses (at) the time foresaid of his decease, valued the said half, so given up, to eighty pounds Scots, less or more.

This Testament was confirmed at Dunkeld the twentieth day of February 1765 years by Mr Thomas Bisset, Commissary, and John McDonald, mason in Dunkeld, became cautioner for the executors.


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