The Testament Dative and Inventory of Neill Robertson, wadsetter of Bohespic, 1754

Neil Robertson – The Testament Dative and Inventory of the debts and sums of money which was resting to umquhile (deceased) Neil Robertson, wadsetter of Bohespick, (at) the time of his decease which was in the month of (blank) 175(blank) years, truely made and given up by Patrick Robertson, lawful son to the said defunct, executor dative qua nearest of kin, decerned to him by the Commissariot of Dunkeld upon the day and date of these presents as the decreet dative following on an edict duly executed and endorsed, in itself more fully bears:

Imprimis (Firstly), there is given up, resting to the said defunct (at) the time foresaid of his decease, the sum of one hundred and thirty seven pounds fifteen shillings Scots money, as the neatt (nett) supposed balance resting (owing) of the principal sum of five hundred pounds Scots and annual rents up to eight of December current contained in a bill payable to the defunct, accepted by John Robertson, younger, of Eastertyre and the now deceased Duncan McGlashan, smith in Glenerrochty(?), conjunctly and severaly, dated the 2nd June 1730, and due the 11th November 1731 years after deduction and allowances of four hundred pounds Scots paid by receipt and of twelve bolls oats and beer (barley), at six pounds Scots per boll.

Summa Inventory

This testament was confirmed at Dunkeld, the nineteenth day of December 1754 years by Thomas Bisset, Commissary, and James Bisset in Kilmerrich became cautioner for the executor.


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