John Forbess – The Testament dative and inventory of the goods, gear, sums of money and debts that pertained to the umquhile
(deceased) John Forbess in Baluaine, at the time of his decease which was in the month of December by past,
truely made and given up by Thomas Forbess, lawful son and executor dative, decerned as nearest of kin to the said defunct by
the Commissary of Dunkeld upon the day and date of this present decreet dative following on an edict duly executed and endorsed in itself more
fully bears.
Imprimis (Firstly), there is given up, belonging to the said defunct (at) the time foresaid of his decease, two mares worth fifty merks.
(Item) three cows worth eighty merks.
Item: fourteen sheep and lambs worth fifty-six merks.
Item: his sowing of eight bolls oatmeal estimated to the third part, in all twenty-four bolls at two pounds per boll. In all forty eight pounds.
Item: his insight and outsight plenishings estimated to forty merks.
Summa Inventory
Relict's part is
Bairn's part is
This testament was confirmed at Dunkeld, the fourteenth day of May 1719 years. Neill Stewart in Drumnakeillie
and John Stewart in (Mains of) Runrory, became cautioners for the executor.
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