The Testament Dative and Inventory
of Jannet Stewart in Balnabodach, 1719

John Forbess – The Testament dative and inventory of the goods, gear, sums of money and debts that pertained in common betwixt the umquhile (deceased) Jannet Stewart, spouse to Duncan Cuthbert in Balnabodach, and her said husband at the time of her decease which was in the month of March last by past, truely made and given up by Neill Stewart, in Drumnakeilie and John Stewart in Mains of Rinrory, conjunct executors dative, as nearest of kin, decerned to the said defunct by the Commissary of Dunkeld upon the day and date of this present decreet dative following on an edict duly executed and endorsed in itself more fully bears.

Imprimis (Firstly), there is given up, belonging in common to the said defunct and her said husband (at) the time foresaid of her decease, three pieces of horses worth one hundred merks, thereof the defunct's part is fifty merks.

(Item) five cows, great and small, estimated to one hundred merks, thereof the defunct's part is fifty merks.

Item: sixteen ewes and lambs at eight-year olds, estimated in all to eighty merks, thereof the defunct's part is forty merks.

Item: the sowing of four bolls and a half of corn and bere (barley), estimated to the third part, in all thirteen bolls and a half at five pounds per boll. In all sixty seven pounds, thereof the defunct's part is thirty-four pounds.

Item: the plough, plough graith, harrows, barrows with the insight plenishing, consisting of the pots, pans, chests, stools, beds, blankets, plaids and whole other outsight and insight plenishing all estimated to forty pounds, thereof the defunct's part is twenty pounds.

Summa of the defunct's part is

This testament was confirmed at Dunkeld, the fourteenth day of May 1719 years. Thomas Forbes in Drumnakeilie became cautioners for the executors.


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