The Testament Dative and Inventory
of James Stewart in Kincraigie, 1757

James Stewart – The Testament dative and inventory of the goods, gear, debts and sums of money which pertained and belonged to the umquhile (deceased) James Stewart, sometime in Kincraigie, at the time of his decease which was in the month of December last, truely made and given up by Margaret Henderson, widow of the said defunct and executor dative qua relict, decerned to the said defunct by the Commissary of Dunkeld upon the day and date of these presents as the decreet dative following on an edict duly executed and endorsed in itself more fully bears.

Imprimis (Firstly), there is given up, pertaining and belonging to the said defunct James Stewart the time foresaid of his decease, the crops in his possession sold at eight pounds five shillings per boll and after casten(?) to the proof amounted to six bolls one peck virtual made fifty pounds Scots.
Item. The refuse corn consisting of oats and bere (barley) being ten pecks shilling value at eight pounds money foresaid.
Item. A cow and a stirk sold to John Roy in Kincraigie at thirty seven pounds sixteen shillings.
Item. Another cow and stirk valued at eighteen pounds Scots money.
Item. An old horse at seven pounds Scots money.
Item. Twenty sheep at eight merks money foresaid.
Item. The house plenishing, all valued at eight pounds Scots.
Item. A hoghead of old lint seed worth twenty pounds Scots.
Item. Some iron and merchant(?) goods in the house worth ten merks Scots.

Summa Inventary.

Follows debts resting to the defunct.

There is given up, resting to the said defunct the time foresaid of his decease by Joseph Gibson in Inver, eighteen pounds Scots.
Item. By Alexander Stewart in Tomb of Cluny, the sum of sixty pounds Scots money or thereby as the balance resting unpaid of the sum of fifty one pounds twelve shillings and four pennies Scots money and the annual rent (interest) due thereon, by bill drawn by the defunct upon and accepted by the said Alexander Stewart and John Stewart in Balnacraig of Killichassie conjunctly and severally, dated the 30th January 1736, payable the 29th September thereafter. Indorsed by the defunct to Janet Duff, merchant in Perth, protested and registered for not payment and of her dilligence thereon which was assigned back again to the said defunct the 23rd February 1738.

Follows debts resting by the defunct.

There is resting by the said umquhile James Stewart thirty seven pounds sixteen shillings Scots money bestowed and expended on his funeral.
Item. By John Stewart, merchant in Perth, eighteen pounds money foresaid.
Item. To Thomas Faichney, merchant there, a hoghead of lint seed at thirty six pounds Scots.
Item. Another hoghead to Andrew Meliss, merchant there, of thirty six pounds money foresaid.
Item. To James Reid, merchant there, seventeen pounds seven shillings for merchant goods.

This testament was confirmed at Dunkeld, the eleventh day of January 1760 by Thomas Bisset, Commissary Depute of Dunkeld, and James Steuart, in Kirkmichael, became cautioner for the executor.


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