(see James Robertson in Bailiezsenlan, 1717)
Thomas Bisset of Glenalbert, Commissary of Dunkeld, having power of confirmation of testaments within the bounds of my juridice,
ratifies, approves and confirms the sum of two hundred merks Scots money of principal with forty merks money foresaid of legal expenses
and whole bygone annual rents (interest) of the said principal sum specified and contained in a bond granted by William Moncrieff,
portioner of Kinnaird, and James Moncrieff, youngest lawful son to John Moncrieff in Kinnaird, as cautioner, conjunctly and
severaly to umquhile (deceased)
James Robertson in Cuilt of Ballyuckan, dated the twentieth day of Jnauary 1715 and the sums of money principle and annual interest
and legal expenses .... annual interest were ommitted out of the said umquhile James Robertson, his prima confirmed testament dated the
tenth day of
December 1717 years. Wherein Beatrix Robertson, relict of the now deceased Alexander McKenzie in Rinnacoillach, and her said husband for his
interest, only sister germain to the said umquhile James Robertson was confirmed executrix dative to the said defunct and which sum is now
come to the knowledge of the said Beatrix Robertson, and is hereby added and eiked to the said principal confirmed testament in the
terms of a protestation in the one thereof and I hereby confirm the said Beatrix Robertson executrix dative quod nearest in kin to the
said umquhile James Robertson, her brother germain, and to the sums of money (annual?) eiked with full power to meddle? and intromettif?
with, ask, crave, uplift and receive the same and if needs be, to call, follow and pursue if fore?, and generally .... other thing in discharge of
the said office to do, use and exorce that by the said is incumbant in the like causes and the said executrix having made faith has found
Thomas MacKenzie, younger, in Rinancoillach cautioner acted that the (annual?) sums shall be made safe and forthcoming to all parties
having interest.
Inscribed, the Clerk of Court, my Seal of Office is affixed at Dunkeld the twenty second day of June 1730
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