Isobell Young – The Testament Dative and Inventory of the debts and sums of money and debts which pertained
and was resting to umquhile (deceased) Isobell Young, sometime in Levadge, youngest lawful daughter of the deceased John Young
in Clune-more (at)
the time of her death which was in the year 177... years, truely made and given up by Barbara Young, spouse to Malcolm Forbes
in Levadge and Margaret Young, spouse to Alexander McDonald in Cnappaig, and their foresaid husbands for their interest
sisters germain to the said Isobell Young, the defunct, and conjunct executors dative qua nearest in kin, decerned to the said defunct
by the Commissariot of Dunkeld upon the 23rd March last, as the decreet dative following on an edict duly executed and endorsed, in itself
more fully bears:
Imprimis (Firstly), there is given up, resting to the said defunct Isobell Young (at) the time foresaid of her decease,
the sum of £33 Scots by the now deceased Thomas McKenzie in Levadge-more, by his bill to her, payable Martinmass 1772, with a year's
annual interest thereof.
Item, the annual interest thereof, since the same fell due, and which like having fallen by the said executor after the death of the said
Isobell Young, obtained a decreet of constitutiion of the same, at their instance before the said Commissary
upon the 23rd day of March 1774 years.
Summa Inventory
Debts resting to the defunct:
Imprimis (Firstly), resting by Gilbert Stewart of Fincastle, four hundred merks of principal with annual rent (interest) and penalty conform to
his bond dated the (blank) day of (blank) 1710 years.
Item, another by him (Gilbert Stewart), one hundred merks money foresaid by his other bond dated the second day of December 1711 years.
Item, by John Robertson in Gleniselay (Glenisla) as principal and Donald Robertson of Pitagowan as cautioner conjunctly and severaly
three hundred merks per bond dated the 8th of February 1706 years.
Item, five hundred merks money foresaid, resting by John Stewart of Dalvorest, principle, and Duncan Stewart of Pittinacie and
Donald Robertson of Pitagowan as cautioners, conjunctly and severaly, per bond dated the 27th December 1700 years.
Item, by the Duke of Atholl, one hundred pounds per bond, dated the first day of December 1704 years.
This testament was confirmed at Dunkeld, the eleventh day of March 1718 years.
Fergus McLachlan in Drumnabechin became cautioner for the executors.
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