Grissell and Elspeth Stewarts – The Testament Dative and Inventory of the debts and sums of money which pertained,
belonged and was resting to the deceased Grissell and Elspeth Stewarts, both in Bohally, parish of Fortingall and county of
Perth, North Britain, (at) the time of their deceases which was in the month of (blank) 17(blank) years, and which had been legate and
bequeathed to them by Duncan Stewart of Dorchester parish, Berkley County and Province of South Carolina, their brother germain,
faithfully made and given up by Daniel (Donald), Alexander, Jannet and Margaret Stewarts, brothers and sisters germain
to the said Grissell and Elspeth Stewarts, the deceased, and also to Duncan Stewart (deceased of Dorchester parish),
conjunct executors dative qua nearest in kin, decerned to the said deceased sisters by the Commissary of Dunkeld upon the day and date of
these presents as the decreet dative following on an edict duely executed and endorsed, in itself more fully bears.
There is given up, pertaining and belonging and resting to the said umquhile Grissell and Elspeth Stewarts, two sixth
parts of their share of two hundred pounds Sterling, legate and bequeathed by the said Duncan Stewart to the said Daniel
(Donald), Alexander, Jannet, Grissel, Elspeth and Margaret Stewarts, equally amongst them, conform to and contained in his
latter will and deed of bequeathment, dated the first day of May 1746 and lodged in the Secretary's Office in South Carolina, by which
each of them have an equal sixth part, and wherein William Anderson of Dorchester, storekeeper, and John Stewart of St. Paul's
parish and Province aforesaid, are constitute executors.
Summa Inventory
This testament was confirmed at Dunkeld, the twenty-seventh day of February 1750 by James Bissat, Commissary, and
Charles Stewart of Bohally became cautioner for the executors and they bound for his relief.
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