Donald Stewart – The Testament dative and inventory of the debts and sums of money was resting to umquhile (deceased)
Donald Stewart, in Innerslaney, (at) the time of his decease which was in the month of (blank) (blank) years, truely made and given up
by Patrick Stewart his son, executor dative qua nearest in kin, decerned to him by the Commissary of Dunkeld upon the day and date of
these presents as the decreet dative following on an edict duly executed and endorsed in itself more fully bears.
Imprimis (Firstly), there is given up, resting to the said defunct (at) the time foresaid of his decease, the sum of one thousand pounds Scots
money principal with two hundred pounds of penalty and interest from Martinmass (blank) to Martinmass thereafter, contained in and due
on a bond dated 10 March 1731 payable at Martinmass thereafter, granted by John Robertson of Lude, deceased, to the said defunct.
Item: two hundred and twenty pounds money foresaid contained in a bill drawn by the said umquhile Donald Stewart upon and accepted by the
said John Robertson dated 11 August 1740 payable at Martinmass thereafter.
Item: the interest due thereon.
Summa Inventary.
This testament was confirmed at Dunkeld, the first day of June 1749 by James Bisset, Commissary, and William Stewart and
Alexander Stewart, sons to the deceased Duncan Stewart of Pittinicie(?) bacame cautioners for the executor and he bound for their
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