Donald McLauchlan – The Testament dative and inventory of the sums of money and debts resting and belonging to the
deceased Donald McLauchlan in Shierglas, (at) the time of his decease which was in the month of (blank) last past, truely made and given
up by Christian McLauchlan, only child to the defunct and spouse to Alexander Stewart in Riechlachrie, and her said husband for
his interest, executors dative as nearest in kin, decerned to the said defunct by the Commissary of Dunkeld
upon the day and date of these presents as the decreet dative following on an edict duly executed and endorsed in itself more fully bears.
Imprimis (Firstly), there is given up, belonging to the said defunct (at) the time foresaid of his decease, horses, cattle, sheep, goats and other
goods rouped and sold by virtue of the Commissary's order, to the value following, viz.
Item. To Patrick Stewart at Bridgend of Tilt, the value of ninety three pounds six shillings eight pennies, payment at Martinmass next per
his bill.
Item. To John Stewart in Blairuachdar, eighty six pounds thirteen shillings four pennies, per his bill.
Item. To Alexander Stewart in Shierglas, the value of ten merks, and
Item. To Alexander Stewart in Riechlachrie, the value of twenty merks, by and allow what paid, the tocher (marriage) goods to him, of all
which, one third belongs to the relict.
Summa Inventory
This testament was confirmed at Dunkeld, the eighteenth day of March 1736 by Thomas Bissett, Commissary of Dunkeld, and
Gregor Murray of Coinneachan became cautioner for the executor.
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