The Testament Testamentary and Inventory of Charles Robertson in Easter Monzie, 1727

Charles Robertson – The Testament Testamentary and Inventory of the goods, gear, sums of money and debts that pertained to the deceased Charles Robertson in Easter Monzie, (at) the time of his decease which was in the month of August instant (1727), truely made and given up by Alexander Robertson and Duncan Robertson, lawful sons procreated betwixt the deceased Thomas Robertson, brother germain to the said defunct and Elspeth Fergusson his spouse, executors testamentary nomina and appointed by the said defunct confirm to his latter will and testament of the date the fourth day of the said month of August instant and whereof the tenor is subponed.

Imprimis (Firstly), there is given up, resting to the said defunct (at) the time foresaid of his decease, the goods, gear, sums of money and debts underwritten of the availls and quantites following viz:

Five piece of horse, young and old, estimate overhead (average) to £9 per piece, in all £45.

Item, three cows and two lueys estimate overhead to £10 per piece, in all £50.

Item, two stirks estimate to 50s per piece, in all £5.

Item, twenty head of ewes estimate to half a crown per piece, in all £30.

Item, twenty sheep hogs (sheep between 9 and 18 months old), estimate to twenty shillings per piece, in all £20.

Item, ten lambs estimate to a merk per piece, in all 10 merks.

Item, sowing of nine bolls of vitual oats and bere (barley) estimate the third cumulative (yielding three times as much as sown), in all 27 bolls at £5 per boll. In all £135.

Item, the household plenishing, carts, plough with plough graith, harrows, barrows and other instruments of hubandry estimate to 50 merks

Of which inventory a third part belonged to Margaret Campbell, spouse to the said defunct, and to which the defunct had right from his said deceased spouse as sole executor and uncausal legator nomina and appointed by her confirm to her latter will and testament dated the seventh day of March 1719 years.

Summa Inventory

Follows debts resting to the defunct:

Imprimis (Firstly), resting by Donald Robertson of Kincraigie, the sum of five hundred merks Scots money with the bygone annual rent (interest) thereof by bond.

Item, bond by John Robertson of Lude, eight hundred merks money foresaid of principal with the bygone annual rents thereof.

Item, bond by John Robertson of Lettoch, two hundred merks money foresaid two hundred merks money foresaid (accidental repeat?) with the haill (whole) bygone annual rents thereof.

Summa Debts

Follows the latter will:

Be it known to all men by these presents that Charles Robertson in Easter Monzie, for as much as I being perfect in memory and judgement albeit sickly and diseased in body, am willing to settle my affairs in my lifetime (totally?) and I may not be suppressed by death, but being thereby (lucid?) and (disbothered?) by the concerns of this life, I may, the more devoutly wait God's pleasure.

Therefore in the first place I leave my soul to Almighty God my Creator, believing to be saved by the mercy of Jesus Christ, and willing my body after death to be decently buried.

I next appoint and ordain Alexander Robertson and Duncan Robertson, lawful sons procreate betwixt the deceased betwixt the deceased (accidental repeat?) Thomas Robertson, my brother germain and Elspeth Fergusson, his spouse, to be my only executors, sole legators and intromellers .... my whole debts, sums of money all as due to me by bond, bill or otherways or in cash, with power to them or the survivor to give up inventory of confirm the same are to defray my funeral, pay my just debts and satisfy the legacies underwritten and to use and dispose thereof the remainder as their own proper goods, equally betwixt them at their pleasure, secluding and hereby debarring all others (of) my nearest of kin from being my executor in all time hereafter.

Item. I appoint my said executors to pay to Charles Robertson, eldest lawful son to the said Duncan Robertson, one of my executors, the sum of 1,000 merks Scots money, all and against the first term of Martinmass after my decease with annual rent (interest) thereafter during the not payment, edict thereby, legate and bequeath to him.

Item. legate to the poor of the Barony of Lude the sum of 40 merks money foresaid.

Item. to Charles Stewart and Donald Stewart, lawful sons to the deceased Donald Stewart in Easter Monzie, my (nephews?) 100 merks money foresaid.

Item. to Patrick Robertson, my brother germain, £20 money foresaid.

Item. to John Robertson in Breakach, my nephew, £40 money foresaid.

Item. to Christian Campbell here, 10 merks Scots.

Item. to Margaret Robertson, relict of John Campbell, ten merks.

And finally I appoint my latter will and testament in all time coming, thereby revoking and annulling all former latter wills, legacies and testaments if any be made and subscribed by me preceding the date of there presents. In witness whereof I have subscribed there presents written by Neil Mackglashan, writer in Pitlochry, at Easter Monzie, the fourth day of August 1727 years, before these witnesses: John Robertson of Lude, Donald Robertson of Kincraigie, Alexander Stewart of Urchil (Orchil) and Patrick Mackglashan in Wester Monzie (next part in Latin before signatures of witnesses)

This testament was confirmed at Dunkeld the 22nd August 1727. John Robertson, younger of .... became cautioner acted for the executors.


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